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Design / Multimedia

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Elektronika / Computer Enginering

  1. Kunci Pintu Elektronik Menggunakan RFID
  2. ATMEL AVR Programer Menggunakan Parallel Port
  3. Apa Itu GPIO Dan Bagaimana GPIO Bekerja Pada Raspberry Pi
  4. How to Reset Bios Password On Your Laptop
  5. Interfacing RFID Dengan Bahasa Pemrograman Bascom AVR
  6. Interfacing parallel port pin data
  7. Pembahasan 7Segment Comon Catoda
  8. Power supply DC untuk robot dan sistem minimum
  9. Program parallel port sebagai gerbang logika
  10. Program parallel port sebagai saklar dan indikasi menyala nya led
  11. Rangkaian USBAP AVR
  12. Robot Line Follower (Preview Video)
  13. Sismin ATMEGA8535
  14. Sistem minimum ATMEGA 8535 dengan power supply DC 5 hingga 12 volt


  1. Auto Like Facebook Wall / status
  2. Facebook Flooder Part II
  3. Generate payload PDF file
  4. Hacking Facebook With Comment Flooder
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Jaringan komputer

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  2. Bridge Network Simulation VMware
  3. CCNA routing configuration (simulation)
  4. Change Modem Imei KUWFI Modem
  5. DHCP Server Ubuntu 14.10
  6. EIGRP Cisco Routing (Video)
  7. Error SSL HestiaCP - New!
  8. Frame relay dengan OSPF routing
  9. Gagal Input Null Value Pada Tabel DBMS MariaDb - New!
  10. L2TP VPN (Virtual Private Network) Menggunakan Router Mikrotik - New!
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  14. Mengatasi Masalah Port Forwarding Pada Modem ADSL Speedy
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  16. Mengubah Listen Port Apache Web Server
  17. Mikrotik basic tutorial
  18. Modul petunjuk membuat jaringan lokal
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  20. Port Forwarding Mikrotik
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  23. Proxmox Can't Run (Failed to start PVE Cluster HA Resource Manager Daemon) - New!
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  25. Remote Desktop Raspberry Pi
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  27. Setup DNS server dengan Bind9 (Part 2 )
  28. Setup Web Server Based On Ubuntu Server
  29. Sharing Koneksi Internet dari wireless ke lan dengan Ubuntu
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  33. Xampp For Linux
  34. [ Tutorial Video] EIGRP routing cisco packet tracer
  35. [Tutorial Video] Cisco Router Static Routing
  36. [Tutorial Video] Dynamic Routing RIP
  37. [Tutorial Video] Konfigurasi service DHCP pada cisco router
  38. [Tutorial Video] Packet sniffing wire shark
  39. [Tutorial Video] Simple Vlan Cisco Switch
  40. [Tutorial Video] VMware Bridge Network Simulation
  41. [Tutorial Video]Teori dasar Static Routing
  42. mode Ap Client Router di Tplink TL-WA5210G

Linux tips / trik

  1. Fix Problem KEYEXPIRED / Pub Key Repository On Ubuntu / Kali Linux
  2. Apa Itu GPIO Dan Bagaimana GPIO Bekerja Pada Raspberry Pi
  3. DHCP Server Ubuntu 14.10
  4. Error Metasploid Console "SLOVED"
  5. Error SSL HestiaCP - New!
  6. Error Saat Menambah Repository Lokal (Ubuntu 10.04)
  7. How to fix kernel updater VMware 8.0.2
  8. Instal Driver Printer Cannon di Linux Ubuntu/Backtrack
  9. Jalankan smadav di Ubuntu
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  11. Manajemen Server Menggunakan VestaCP
  12. Memutar Musik dan Video di Backtrack 5R3
  13. Mengatasi Permasalahan NO_PUBKEY Pada Repository Ubuntu
  14. Mengubah Listen Port Apache Web Server
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  17. Proxmox Can't Run (Failed to start PVE Cluster HA Resource Manager Daemon) - New!
  18. Redirect website yang tidak diinginkan dikomputer sendiri
  19. Remote Administrator Team viewer Tugas Pertemuan Ke-5
  20. Remote Desktop Raspberry Pi
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  22. Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) Alpha 1
  23. Xampp For Linux
  24. install driver Vga intell Gme 965
  25. installasi tema management Ubuntu
  26. patching VMware 10 di kali linux 1.0.7


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  3. Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly
  4. Gagal Input Null Value Pada Tabel DBMS MariaDb - New!
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Proxy list / SSH server

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Tips dan trik

  1. Alternatif Proxy & VPN
  2. Anonymouse Browsing Technique
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  4. Berbagai Macam Cara Menginstall Driver Pada Windows
  6. Cara Mengatasi Mozilla Yang Sering Berhenti Atau Crash
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  10. Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly
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  14. How to Reset Bios Password On Your Laptop
  15. How to fix Windows could not complete the installation. To Install Windows on this computer, restart the installation
  16. How to make windows 8 Live CD / Usb
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  35. Smart fren the modem (or other connecting device) is already in use or is not configured properly
  36. Tips merawat laptop saat perjalanan jauh
  37. Windows 10 Lite Edition Paling Paten - New!
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Tugas sistem operasi

  1. How to make windows 8 Live CD / Usb
  2. Memblokir dan meredirect website dengan squid proxy server
  3. Redirect website yang tidak diinginkan dikomputer sendiri
  4. Remote Administrator Team viewer Tugas Pertemuan Ke-5
  5. Remote Anything Tugas Pertemuan Ke-6
  6. [Batch Programing] Menu Membuka Program Tugas Pertemuan ke-3
  7. [Batch Programing] Program Kalkulator Tugas Pertemuan Ke-4
  8. [Tutorial Video] Dynamic Routing RIP

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